Convert 1 CAD to USD

1 CAD = 0.70 USD

Exchange rates are updated in real-time

Convert CAD to USD

1 0.70
10 7.04
20 14.08
50 35.20
100 70.41
250 176.02
300 211.22
500 352.03
1,000 704.06
2,000 1408.12
5,000 3520.31
10,000 7040.61

Convert USD to CAD

1 1.42
10 14.20
20 28.41
50 71.02
100 142.03
250 355.08
300 426.10
500 710.17
1,000 1420.33
2,000 2840.66
5,000 7101.65
10,000 14203.31

About Currency Conversion

Looking to convert 1 CAD to USD? Our currency calculator provides real-time exchange rates to help you make accurate currency conversions. Whether you're planning a trip, managing international business, or just curious about exchange rates, we've got you covered.

How to Use the Currency Calculator

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert
  2. Select the currency you're converting from
  3. Select the currency you're converting to
  4. Get your result instantly!